I believe we as humans have behaved much badly than animals being more ferocious (in their meaning at least ) have behaved with us. I believe its time our respected Supreme Court, should give the authority to punish their criminals, by animal themselves only.
Isn't mother nature before human intervention, taken this responsibility in more mature and appeasing manner then we ever did. Lets do the same again, one who try to harm an animal, should be given back to same community and see what they really want to do with him. Lets be impartial and do same likewise as Government of India has done to many other communities (like Khap, Panchayat (they come in jurisdiction only ) ).
Dangered endangered doesn't matter; We cant wait for all of them to really extinct. Lets not empower our-self on their helplessness. Its time we stand up for not only ours but their rights also.
I truly believe when animals be given potency to justify crime done against them, no human will ever lose his humanity in killing these species again!!!
Nice Idea..
But certainly it will endanger our lives too...
They will become Man Eaters :P..
Then i would better say *survival of fittest :D
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