E PEOPLE..." these are the first few words of our constitution.The most important word here is"WE",though it seems quite simple and ordinary ,but it is not as simple as it looks WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS WORD "WE".answer lies in the genesis of a nation,or more correctly in transformation of masses in to a country.....after the french revolution a new definition arrived "WE ARE THE NATION"As far as India is concerned "WE"means the YOUTHs. youths are the exuberant power on which any country runs at present our youths are eager to sprint again stall hurdles. now we are at inflection point.youths are no longerscared of thinking big ,they are drawing inspirations from incidents like tata corus deal.........BUT at the same time we can ill afford to turn a blind eye to thegrim realty that lies beneath all the glitter and gloss.India is not perfectly shining we are lagging behind.We should think that why after so much investment of time,skill an labour India is standing with countrieslike Ethopia &Sudan in human resource index.farmers are still committing suicide in spite of thefact that gdp is near 9and sensex is so high.As a nation ,in constitution, we have advocated thatthere should be no discrimination on basis of genderand cast,but ground realities are different.Cancer ofRESERVATION is spreading all over with full swing.there are evidences to suggest that communal andsocial ferment can set our country back.Only WE can stop this decay as young and thinking mindyou can help us.we need your support to full fill ourdreams of aperfect nation.We know that state of UTOPIA is not possible but we can not let our dream unfulfilled because.... DREAMS are not what you see in sleep.......DREAM is the thing which does not let you sleep... REMEMBER that my dream is your dream and together it is our dream.....and only we can change the world..surely we can change the world!!!!!

-by Siddhartha Chitranshi
i jus saw this link in the chittranshi's community and hence did wat i could have.....so here is a forum u ppl can use
hii krits!!
nice blog
As usual u are always gud in writng on emotional issues
Also do check this out hw our national pride is crushed !!http://www.merinews.com/photoFeaturesResults.jsp?photoFeatureID=75&galTypeImage=3&searchFlag=titleSearch
i read this blog 2-3 times & realised dat nobody wants dat his/her country remains backward bt the prob is the mejority of people just see & comment & noone bothers to do something solid.....we,the youth of india,need to do somethin diff....so let us turn our spirits to do somethin contructive....its not dat we havent done nething ...the unity of youth was shown wen reservation was forced on us all we need to do is dont let ths feeling die.& surely we can and we will do wonders...
hi friends....look at the present situation.....is this the india of ur dreams....whatever is happ. in nandigram....or in chattesgarh ,is pathatic this is a gruesome condition...so just dont sit at home think about it
hey it is not written by me but by chitranshi...n ya plz refer to this with more sencerity but just not a written material....
hi siddharta!!
it's verygood that u r optimistic abt future and also the role of urself and us the youth....ya it's true that there r some serious problems ...but i believe that still keeping our eye on these problems we must talk more positively
it is really a great start......
i really feel proud 2 b part of indian youths which now pondering over their future.
We dream abt great india, bt not take a single step 2 do anythng regardng this....thats why we r here.....lagging behind.
We should do smthng % i m sure we will .bt this is the time 2 come forward & start bcaz time is changing & so our generation....
so frnds come forward.......i am waiting for ur nxt step .
hoping it will be bigger & fruitfull!
hello frens...
ItS GR8 dat "WE" d youths of dis nation do realise dat we need to take up d responsibility of our nation... nd i m sure with dis high spirit in our minds nd high hopes in our hearts we all can unitedly venture to do sth realy good nd beneficial to our country... Hey frens i m always wid u ppl....
(written by abhishek minz)
that introductory article really was well written ,and it puts the finger on the problem.
u told us the importance of the "we" word ,but the question that should worry us is how many youth care about this country--and really want it to become a developed nation--free of all the evils which plague us now???
sadly the answer wld be that a majority of us dont give a damn because all of us have been living in the so called " shining india" where there is no poverty,deaths and crimes. and even the ppl who want to do sumthing---they are forced to give up their struggle because if one honest voice is raised ---it is usually drowned by a hundred biased voices who just want to see their own profits.
we have aped the western culture so much that we are not even aware of the problems facing us??? "why shld we care----as long as we get all the comforts, and live in luxury---"that has become the attitude.
forget reservation and politicians---what have WE done so that our country can proudly call us responsible citizens?? how many of us know that on the 5th of april there's going to be elections in delhi??? and how many of us (the first time voters) wld give our votes to even think of a change??? the answer is that most of us wld pass that day sleeping till late afternoon? how many of us watch news daily? but still all of us find the time to know what is the proposed date of marriage b/w a.bachchan and ayshwarya rai.
if our country is suffering now ,it is not only because of the politicians, but because of us also. if we are the future of this country---then i dnt see the future to be bright at all.
in the end ,i will have to say that "WE" will have to change ourselves. we have to look within and ask ---"do WE want a better country free of all evils?and if we do--what can we do to change the appaling situation. LEAVE THE POLITICIANS---they are rotten,and they will remain rotten.they just care abt vote banks and they are successful because they know that india is a country of blind fools each person lives for himself. but WE youth must wake up now.
ps--i apologize to the creators for such a long reply---but i really feel that this issue needs this much of a feedback.
thanx ABHISHEK. our team is greatful 2 u.
ur first question is "how many youth care about this country--and really want it to become a developed nation--free of all the evils which plague us now???"answer lies in ur heart itself ,is it not sufficient 4 u dat u r thinking 4 ur country..?
my dear friend it is true that all r not thinking bout it but at least we r thinking.Maotse tung has said that v can not have revolution in one day.it is the fact ...but we r on work of making an opinion..i think that now ur a part of this mission so remember it is just a start...best wishes
yaar u juat talk about the line "we the people of India" but have u ever think to go beyond wht is written in it and wht they writ these are the first few words of the constitution man these are the words from where constitution of India starts its the preamble of the Constituion and it covers every one not only youth its the basic sutructure beyond which no Law can be made, or we can say beyond which there is nothing. and by saying the here we stands for youth u r just limiting the importance of constitution. i really dont know who is this Siddhartha Chitranshi but no doubt he has written some thing great but there are some facts which his openion unable to cover like he said its the youth who has to take some step againsd the corruption but he just forget that there are many offices where it self youth is setting and doing the same.
now he talked about the corruption its not some thign new to us it the basic reality man we all accept it that we really dont want to ,aased up in aproblem when we know that there is some easy way we all do, u do, i do.
every one says that we have to stand against the corruption we have to fight against the corruption but no one says how ...?
how we can fight tha corruption when we are ourself the part of corruption, this is true and it is also true that we dont want to accept this basic reality. just wht we know that wht ever i do is correct and wht they do is wrong
when we do wrong we say ki" yaar chalta hai aisai hi kam hota hai" but if same is done by some other person we say "yaar this is wrong" yaar we have ccreated these double Std, and now we have to face the problem. if one really want to go against the corruption the first of all that person has to go against himself"
but reagarding the Reservation my thinking is same as u all think and if u really want to know more about ti u all must read the Constitution or specificlly Article 12 to 18 and article46 of the constitution
a nice way to know people's opinion is to have weekly polls put up on this site.
it may not help much in achieving something, but atleast it can tell us how people( i mean those who visit this blog) think about the whole situation.
can my request be considered please???
i think wat evr my brother varun said is quite true.we need to find out HOW not WHO?????????
the step has to be taken our ancestors did the same thought and kept thinking now its are time to show that action have always louder then words no more saying on this blog how u feel after reading this articles but.plz post wat now u gonna do..BELIEVE me it matters .........
one thing i suggest one should try that as if u want to change some thing then first of all u have to change urself just try once in a week this thing, that just try not to break any law even the minor one like start obaying triffic rules become a fully law abiding citizen for one day then tell me is it possible to bring change if u still think in positive way then i would say just go for it
very nice guyzzz!!!!!!!!!
r u ppl practicin 4 ur MBA or smthin????
suggestions,suggestions and loads of dem..........
a nice GD goin on!!!!!
(dat's wt it seems :( )
go Go G0!!!!!!!
let's see who clrs CAT!!!!!!!!!
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