Friday, 16 September 2016

Appreciating what we might have missed

Reading the letter written by Amitabh Bachchan, and the controversy followed by it.I tried to reread the letter several times, and really miss, what my other friends, have been trying to portray by asking questions back from him.

I didn't find any issue in it, even though when he said , his grand-daughter's hold a very special legacy of his maternal grand father. Isn't it how our society is built, being a man, he relished his forefathers legacy more, but isn't it beautiful, he want his daughters, to carry forward it, not just his 'Sons', why we miss that ? If he really had anything of putting down feminism, he wont have written the letter to his daughters only, isn't it .

Bringing feminism in every topic, has become a trend now. I believe we have proved it many a times now, that girls are no less than boys, but don't stretch to a point that it looks like, boys are any less than girls!!! Being a girl, for me feminism is important, but my feminism is sub conscious effect of my husband's masculinity. We both are equals, but we are like those two hands of a body, who being equal, cannot dominate each other, we are required by each other in every phase of life, cut the one, and other becomes handicapped, true Right ?

I might be sounding strange, but somehow, I feel gender inequality is not sole result of what a man thinks, this might be harsh truth of life, it is more prevalent, due to women. You might see, son's are not asked by mothers to help them in daily chores, as much a daughter is required to; a son's marriage might not be something they are in hurry for, as much for a daughter who has just turned 20; I have seen mother's asking for a son, who might take care of her in old age, Really ? Than why there is sudden splurge in Old Age Home's when we have seen in past decades, boy:girl ratio have gone up.

I truly feel, a change in society is required, when it can be bought by a woman, in a woman, for a woman. A mother might have to think its 'OK', if her girl has more interest in playing the sport, and her son likes to cook; she is the primary care taker of her child in their early age, and if she can cultivate in him/her that you both are equal, that initial foundation will help us to move forward, and bring a change in society.

Lets stop pointing out what might be having no relevance in real world, but appreciate what is more important!

Monday, 11 July 2016

ON a wedding, to our loved young sis - Chetna

Its important to write sometimes, and its really important to write for someone, sometimes
A wedding yesterday marked a new era, for us, an era where we are moving towards more maturity, more responsibility and a little higher position in family. Its important how life changes, wedding marks a new beginning, children another, but marriage of younger brother, sister marks a new era!!

I feel so different, so strange, when she stepped into this new world of hers, may be she will look back now and then, but I will still see her, as the little one. You are moving into a new life, a new dream, and I hope its a never ending dreamworld for you. You looked the most amazing bride, and the little hands of yours, tightly clenched, holding your fears, your shyness, and much beyond, the curiosity with which you have always looked at new things.

There is so much I learned from you, you always gave a new perspective of things to me, your smile was most cheerful one, and enthusiasm was mind blowing. I hope you will always keep that charm of your chirpiness.

You were always a backbone, and a loving support for our Friendship, even though you were the little one. We never said, but there was always a silent 'C' , when we said 'BANK' , without you, we were never complete and will never be! I hope people didn't wonder when four of us were clicked, who was there behind that camera, or when one of us was missing, who filled the place, with equal excitement. We formed the four pillars, and you were our 'C'enter. Now when you have undone the curtains of new beginning, I really wish that beautiful smile, the cheerful laughter, the sparkling eyes, will always behold their charm, forever.

--- With lots of Love to Chetna


Friday, 20 May 2016

Tak Tak

Tak Tak !! Bang bang sound in morning.

I am not sure how many of you might be familiar with it. But it was a sweet sound, which reminds me of a beautiful childhood of mine, a newspaper knocking on my balcony door, asking me to get up.  I still remember the black rubber band, with which newspaper was bundled up, was something we relish collecting :).
But somehow, all these things are slowly being missed, or lost in the polluted winds of Delhi air; Or may be extra advanced tech world , made us forget about the beautiful essence the paper of newspaper held within.

Why it all strike to me today, and the credits goes to my lovely daughter, who by her innocent action made me feel, what was lost long ago. From last four years, we have stopped taking newspapers, there are many reasons behind it, in hush hush life, we rarely have time to hold that newspaper and get acquainted with the world, we like to hold our androids or ios instead, and read it on a go. And frankly I find space crunch in keeping those newspapers, which just find there place under my cupboard, or some lunch boxes. But that day, by some mean newspaper reached our place, I tried to take benefit of it and turned some pages and left it there, than my daughter while playing, spread the newspaper and laid down on it, and acted as if she is reading it. It stunned me, may be she will never know the importance of that piece of paper, cause her childhood wont experience what we did. What was an important part of our lives, will just be a soulless paper for her.

I really don't know, whats right here, are we moving in certain direction, leaving behind the legacy which was colorful, even though the newspaper had only black-white pictures, or missing those small parts of life, making us forget the roots of our being. Things are changing so fast, sometimes its difficult to catch pace of time, but than why there is hurry, haven't we always seen, we cant get it all, and what, we always tend to forget is its important to Live than Thrive for the unknown wealth, which cant Strive to the fate we behold, time and time, again and again!!!


Monday, 2 May 2016

Are people losing hope in Life?

When on Monday morning we read another suicide of someone well educated or well settled being, it gives shivers. Life has become so uncertain for us, on one hand people are dying with diseases that are so dangerous but are spreading like common cold, and on same hand people,s who can still decide for their lives, are dying because life is being unfair to them, and not giving them what they want, be it worldly goods, or a good relationship or their own version of customized love.

Some might argue, it is STRESS, people are so stressed with their lives, no peace at work , and mayhem at homes, lead to a suicidal tendency. But I feel different, we have created lifestyle like this, we want everything or anything, a perfect home, a perfect lifestyle, because a friend in past, who is posting awesome pictures on Instagram, is having a blast in his life, which fascinates or depresses us to such level, that we feel distinguish. What doesn't cross our minds, everyone has their own share of worries, struggles, a picture perfect celluloid doesn't make anyone happier than us, and even if they really are, why cant we be oblivion of fact that life cannot be same for everyone, the disparity would exists.

I suggest if you cant still be happier, look at poor people, they still struggle more than us, and are happier, or look at people living in less facilities and still making ends work for them.
We need to realize that we are moving from life of luxury, to life of struggle, since natural resources are vanishing, money cannot really help us now, the best example of this Liquor Baron Vijay Mallya, we all felt his life is perfect, still he is stuck with the trickiest deal, I don't know if he really thought suicide can be easy way out.

I know sometimes we can be so much stressed, all these things wont come to our mind at a go, but I would suggest some therapy's which work for me:
1. Seeing some of good movies, like Anand or Chak de, it really works for me.
2. Going for long walk, even if you are in middle of something, leave everything and just go out and be with yourself, and feel the calmness,
3. Eating a chocolate does wonders, the darker the better.( I feel thats why children are less stressed :D)
4. Yoga could be good option.
5. Going to salon also looks good to me.

There can be your own version of customized stress reliever exercises, try to find what works best for you. And be at peace !!!

MOMO - 1

MOnday MOrning BLues

Every Monday, we raise our-self with new hopes and lows, And there are so many things running in our mind, We feel lets perfect our-self, this week with all the wrongs of last one, and be more dedicated and punctual. Either we are up and running, or still in hangover of weekend, in any case, we have to reach to our workplace late or early, be it kitchen for homemakers or office for bread-earners.

I am someone who gets new ideas on Monday, which fade away by end of week. So I thought of starting this new venture on my blog, MOnday MOrning BLues (MOMO) :P . A new idea , a new thought, something to ponder about.

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