Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Shaking earth, Shattering walls, And the breath we still behold!!!!!

`We're very, very lucky to be alive ' (Ref TOI)

Today morning I read this in newspaper, and then travelled a journey of emotion inside me, which I have been feeling from last four days after the Earthquake in Nepal. In my life span till now, somehow I have been quiet unlucky in seeing all calamities and tragedies happening in the world, but with God's grace till this event all those were just far sighted, but this time my fate brought me so much closer to this debacle, which had ruined the Nepal disastrously. My life, or as people say my better half, is still stuck in this disturbed country; he is safe and doing well with all the prayer of his beloved, but my heart sank every-time, I think what he and my dear family there is going through.
My heartsores more, when I think the impact it would have created in children's mind, the trauma they might have felt seeing the catastrophic disaster around them. I get so unsure what should I thank God for, though my family is protected, what about thousands of those who aren't even sure, where to look for their family. I am not trying to be pessimistic at the moment, but till the time I really hold my family, the demons of trepidation are clutching me in their arms!!

The question still remains same, how gratified should we feel, for every breath we still are taking, Or, Can we really empathize, the convulsion of those affected people. The narcissist characteristic of us humans, kills the beautiful gift of God in us; humanity. We do get selfish in our lives at times, or do I say most of the times; and this time I really felt it so strongly in my heart; for my family out there! But believe me, goodness within us keeps bouncing back, and ascertaining the feeling, the life is all about living for those who love you and for those too, who are just taking same breaths, as we do!!!

I know all these disasters, have done no good to anyone, but lets just console our little hearts, that somehow they make us stand united and feel connected with every life, without any biased feeling in us. So lets join our hands in this sorrow, and open our arms in every generosity we can shower on these affected people. Believe me they just don't need monetary help, but a thoughtful affection too; not just because they are needy, instead cause they are one of us!

In end just one thing, lets be thankful to God, every day and moment, that he has given us this beautiful life, and protecting all our loving family with his blessings. 

And one more closing thought for today

"We must accept the finite disappointment, but we must never loss infinite hope."
- Martin Luther King

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