Monday, 19 October 2015


I know this person, very closely. Someone, whom I can notice on daily basis, and today I realized something which in all these years, I haven’t paid attention. He has a habit of worry for small things, even if nobody is looking at it or come back to him complaining. But what he can’t do is ignore it. He goes to restaurant either he doesn’t leave food on his plate, or make sure he disposes it; or cleans up his own table to some extent, so that he doesn’t leave behind a big mess for someone else. In India, you will hardly find anyone standing behind zebra crossing, until they are fined for same, but if you see someone doing it without any obligation, isn’t it amazing.

And then I wonder why he does so, why he sees beyond, when most of us feel it’s just not our duty. Isn’t it very simple, just put yourself, in same person position, and feel how he would, on you. May be as easy said, but not done. What may be crossing our minds at times, we go in restaurant, and we pay 4-5 times of actual food cost, because we are also paying for cleanliness, the decorum, the hygiene and for that matters, Service taxes and charges too. So where are we wrong, if we let the others do their job?
Here is what goes, in a waitress mind, when he sees a filthy table, “Oh probably some rich brat, who doesn’t know humans work here, not the animals.” Clean and make arrangement is their job in this case, but a little thought in us can ease their lives so much.

We are not ask to go beyond our limits, just that ½ second of thought that all will matter here.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

15 Park Avenue

Its an address in NYC, a place in Monopoly and a brilliant movie by "Aparna Sen".

I got a chance to watch this movie, or in better way, I stumbled upon this, on YouTube coincidentally. And somehow it touched me, that even after so much time I feel an uneasiness; a feeling it bought in me has left me, want my own company a little more, just be myself for a while, and think about nothing; Absolutely Nothing!!!

The movie made me feel, the importance of  patience, the need of love, and the sacrifice one does for his loved ones unconditionally, in return they need nothing but may be a mental support to continue to do the good work. There are few things in life nobody asks from us, and won't even complain if we fail to commit to them; something of this sort will give us so much power, and humbleness that nothing would be unachievable for us. Life brings with itself a bundle of reasons to smile, but it always depends on us, whether we are able to search for those reasons even in tiniest task we do.

The film gives a very simple hidden meaning in between, we are searching for something in life, sometimes we find it in our lifetime, and sometimes we don't; sometimes we know, what we are looking for, we might not get it forever, but belief is something which let us go on; disappointment is part of every search, but it totally depends on us, if can still see the ray of hope after the spur of darkness. We will never know how many more footsteps we can leave on the path of life, but how long these impressions will still hold our aroma, will be something we can always decide.

Life is a beautiful quest, and I believe many of us have this option to make it even better every single day. Lets not ask for more or less, lets ask for a question, whose answer's pursual can bring a difference in us!

Monday, 24 August 2015

Complaint Letter to God

God gave us this life, and he provided us various means to communicate with our fellow humans; Mouth, hand, expressions. And we developed our communication skills, such that we reached to a different horizon of doing it; phone, internet. But isn’t it pity, still when we have to talk to God, the creator, we don’t have any direct link yet, and that’s why I thought of writing this letter today.

Hi God
How are you! We are almost fine. Little hiccups here and there, but its quiet good down here; with every fresh air you send packets of oxygen, as you know it would be difficult for us without it; with each drop of rain, you don’t miss to quench our thirst; you keep sprinkling grains from above, so without our knowledge food keep growing for us; I know it’s so hectic for you as you have to keep shifting sun and moon, so that we don’t miss single moment of day or night. Believe me you have done your best, and you always keep doing without, a miss. But still today I have a complaint; I know we humans have this tendency of complaining all the time, though today I feel it’s more genuine from my side, as this is on the behalf of those who yet can’t do it to you, by themselves. They are none other than small infants and kids, I feel shame God, when these helpless kids, are sexually assaulted. They become, prey of lust of big ones because they are tiny and virtuous, and loss their dignity!! Slowly slowly, things are going so much out of hand that, every mother father thinks twice before their child goes to anyone except them. The lust of human hasn't left even these noble kids, the Gift of you. These little kids are at lost of word, what went wrong with them, when they face one of these heinous acts; some of them even hasn't started speaking yet! Can you imagine what impact it could make on them; they might not come out of the fear and pain, and may not trust anyone forever in their lives. I wonder I can never meet someone who was the victim of this (I pray I never have too), but imagine what will kid say, what happened with them, did they even understand the severity of crime for which they were taken advantage of.

Who is to be blamed here, everyone would say, the one who does this unspeakable conduct, I believe government is trying to build laws, making them fear that once caught it could be really bad for them. We are trying to aware the society to some extent. But I believe none of it is helping us much.

God, we need you here. We as humans can miss to see it, but how can you, why don't you kill the person then and there only, give the capital punishment nobody ever thought before touching these angels. And if you can’t do it, (as I think sometimes you are also blindfolded like our Indian law systems/ bonded by law of life and death) I have a very important suggestion, please send these kids loaded with protection, so that they can protect themselves, from such acts in any situations. You need to give them some mean, so that they can safeguard their dignity from day one as soon as they land in this world. I know to some extent you might think it’s not feasible, but aren’t we left with this as only solution now. The world has come to a point, where self protection is utmost important and oneself is responsible for it, however small or big you can be. I know when you send these angels to earth, you give them mother father, and a family; but God what if one of them only turn scavengers for these little angels. These fairies, who are feared to get dirty by even touching, can never remove the stains of this awful deed of other person.

It is time to show your power now. Because God, the greed of this animal called human, has gone beyond the limits, and I am scared, one day we will leave with no humanity/sanctity within us.

One of the Human

Thursday, 30 July 2015

unequal worlds - obese and malnutrition

Sometimes we see something,and it touches our hearts, and what happens next day ? We forget about it. I know we are very busy with our lives and sometimes we are so helpless, we can't do anything about it and sometimes we have this doubt is it really true ?
Like I read this post on my friend's Facebook page, (as social media can be really informative at times)
Dirt Poor Haitians Eat Mud Cookies To Survive 
I was almost left dumbstruck , if this can be true but since world has come to a point where anything is possible, probably this is also happening in it. I asked myself what we can do, sending an aid is not an option, cause there would many who are sending it, but its not reaching them. Then what ?Really there is no solution I can think. In all this dilemma I did what I do most of times put it words,my Thoughts!!

The above picture synonymously depict what I feel, will this fat world wont ever get satiated with whatever he gets to eat, will he ever realize whatever food he waste in a single meal, is enough to feast a poor for whole day!!!

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

she is my gudiya....

As, you might be knowing that I am a proud mother of a baby, my sweet little Kuhu.
Yesterday one of my colleague friend, asking about her, said aapki gudiya to...... and believe me, this post has generated from that very single thought.

By nature, we classify, our baby girls, as a someone very fragile and delicate, as soft as a doll, a Gudiya!!! But I wonder, isn't we cultivating in them, that they belong to weaker section of society from start. What I feel, yes she is my doll, but not the eye candy one, she is someone who gives me strength to work harder, she makes me see world with new perception, a perception, I fail to see from an adult eyes. I have seen, she keeps trying new things, she fails , she falls, but she never give up. I learn so many things from her, she isn't someone who fears and hide, even when its dark, I have seen her moving towards light. She knows when to smile and make it correct, she has started making her own decision, whether right or wrong, she stands for them.

On seeing our main door open, she stepped on our door mat, and turned towards me, I felt she was saying to me, " This world is big Mom, but you see, you have given me wings that can take me higher, and I will never fear anyone". Every time I look at her, its just another learning chapter of my life. And then I ask this question again, when she is my strength and spirit in every possible way, we cannot say she will break so easily! I love her the most, but I know I have to let her fly free spirited, to learn and explore. I will bind no expectation , because there is nothing as the MOST SUCCESSFUL, when you feel contended and happy, that is the true meaning of life or true achievement. 

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Flawless Indian Judiciary (Read Sarcasm)

#SalmanKhanVerdict has too much of drama yesterday, there are  multiple views, every news channel has a different angle to show us this story ,but in real nobody actually know 100% what happened that night, only the victims, the Veteran Actor himself, few witnesses of the case and God (if we really believe in him)!

I have jotted down few points on which we can keep pondering:
  • We all love Salman Khan ( most of us ) but still it involves death of a person. Why we value life of a person with money and fame he have in his account; just imagine if that day it was Salman on footpath and died man was driving car; will the result would have been same ? Or even, case would have gone for 12 years before verdict was given ?
  • I don't know about of Salman, more than how I see him on screen or what I read about him in newspaper; but I clearly have this instinct that he changed drastically in these 12 years. Doesn't it really indicates, he is guilty of what happened? 
  • Truly, if he is suffering for his deeds and trying to overcome it by helping those whom he can, I believe that self -realization, is better punishment for a man, who really from his heart feels guilty for whatever happened in that unfortunate event. But will ever our judiciary can design such a punishment that can really make a person realize of his mistake ,then just putting him behind the bars?
  • Foremost, he is not God and can do mistakes too! Lets not judge him for what he did, though, this time severity of mistake was too high (as it involves a human life); But do we in India really care for a human life?
  • It would have been just, if our judiciary, would have given paralleled judgement in such cases. But why the judgement change based on age, caste, fame ,money etc. factors! Shouldn't it only be influenced by past records of human activities and good deeds?
  • Isn't 12 years a too long span, for a verdict to be announced. In these 12 years, he has changed in many ways;
    • What influence this punishment would have bought in him then, will it be same now too? 
    • What about victims and their families? Aren't their suffering prolonged by judiciary, so who will pay for the extension, which is surely not were in hands of Salman!!!
    • Isn't there is a major change required in our judiciary to fasten court cases like these? Because time and tide, waits for no-one!
  • People are praising, how good human he is in real. But how can we forget in this case, his humanity cannot save the person he killed that night; even the moon is shunned for having a spot, So why wont he be for this act ?
In nutshell, life is beyond our control, we do things and obviously, need to bear what went wrong from us. So let him reconcile, what he did, instead making journey more and more painful for him!!

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

motherhood ...still a dream

Its almost 11 months, when this little princess came into my arms, and today also when I hold her, I feel same. Its amazing, how she changed me completely as a person, and help me find this most amazing characteristic of a woman; Motherhood. I still see myself in astonishment, how my body parts evolved for a child, and became a home for this baby foetus for 9 months, and then a mother to feed my baby's stomach, a cradle to make her sleep in tranquillity and most important, centre of abundance of love. Believe me, I never imagined I can ever do all this until she came.

The first time I held her in my arms, I realised she is part of me, she has the most beautiful essence of our love, she smells of innocence, she steals looks of my love (her father), and she beholds, my childhood, which I will relive again. She touched my senses, and invoked the hidden mother in me. She made me believe, I can be someone whom she can trust for everything. Its miraculous, how beautifully she held my hand and took me on this adventurous trip of mother-daughter journey.

Every morning, when she wakes up and gives me her ravishing smile, I feel God has showered me with lots of blessings. Truly, she is gift of God, and a prettiest dream!!!

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Shaking earth, Shattering walls, And the breath we still behold!!!!!

`We're very, very lucky to be alive ' (Ref TOI)

Today morning I read this in newspaper, and then travelled a journey of emotion inside me, which I have been feeling from last four days after the Earthquake in Nepal. In my life span till now, somehow I have been quiet unlucky in seeing all calamities and tragedies happening in the world, but with God's grace till this event all those were just far sighted, but this time my fate brought me so much closer to this debacle, which had ruined the Nepal disastrously. My life, or as people say my better half, is still stuck in this disturbed country; he is safe and doing well with all the prayer of his beloved, but my heart sank every-time, I think what he and my dear family there is going through.
My heartsores more, when I think the impact it would have created in children's mind, the trauma they might have felt seeing the catastrophic disaster around them. I get so unsure what should I thank God for, though my family is protected, what about thousands of those who aren't even sure, where to look for their family. I am not trying to be pessimistic at the moment, but till the time I really hold my family, the demons of trepidation are clutching me in their arms!!

The question still remains same, how gratified should we feel, for every breath we still are taking, Or, Can we really empathize, the convulsion of those affected people. The narcissist characteristic of us humans, kills the beautiful gift of God in us; humanity. We do get selfish in our lives at times, or do I say most of the times; and this time I really felt it so strongly in my heart; for my family out there! But believe me, goodness within us keeps bouncing back, and ascertaining the feeling, the life is all about living for those who love you and for those too, who are just taking same breaths, as we do!!!

I know all these disasters, have done no good to anyone, but lets just console our little hearts, that somehow they make us stand united and feel connected with every life, without any biased feeling in us. So lets join our hands in this sorrow, and open our arms in every generosity we can shower on these affected people. Believe me they just don't need monetary help, but a thoughtful affection too; not just because they are needy, instead cause they are one of us!

In end just one thing, lets be thankful to God, every day and moment, that he has given us this beautiful life, and protecting all our loving family with his blessings. 

And one more closing thought for today

"We must accept the finite disappointment, but we must never loss infinite hope."
- Martin Luther King

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