Friday, 21 December 2012


After so many rumors, after so much fear, after so much anxiety, I say HI to all of you to another shiny day!!!
Somewhere we all had this feeling to know what will happen on this epic day, will world finally stop rotating, or sun will hide somewhere in this unending universe. But I believe nothing of that sort really happened!
And again we woke up similarly and move to our mundane works of life. We heard same chirping of birds, saw same blue sky, even sun was bright and warm ( in Delhi) hugging us all in this cold December and giving away his warmth as mother does to her child. Nothing really changed, and life again started with same colorful dreams in her eyes.

But if you can silently listen what is hidden behind this unchanged world. Hear it very careful and make your own conclusions today, see God has given us another chance, to live the life, like he wants us to do; he created us, he filled life in us; and now is the time we realize its importance not for us, but for every small thing who is alive. It is time we start "anew" and realize if 21-12-2012 was not end of world but another chance for us to eradicate all the vices with out and with in, us.

The crime, the pain, which surrounds us it is time to rise above all of it. It is time we tell God he never did a mistake in making his most precious creation MAN.

If you cannot rise today, if you cannot leave the greed today , may be we don't get this chance again.
Lets hold each other hands
 and walk towards eternity together;
 lets not leave anyone behind;
 lets not lead this world in blind.
Lets become purest soul ever
And then welcome, beginning of something new forever.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Social Networking sites ahhh...

Google+, Facebook, Twitter.... wow such an amazing platform they have given us to be with people, and whom we in Social Networking sites call Friends!!!
We can be with people who are miles away, the distance is huge in physical sense but emotionally we can be connected always.
Wow such a nice description!!! Think again ... When it so difficult to cope with the real person with whom we live or meet regularly, how can we connect so easily with people who are miles and miles away. Yes we can hear to them, we can tell them, but truly all this is virtually good not practically correct. As we know Photoshop can change person's image, all these social networking sites can change person's identity.
HE can show any side of his appearance to us, and most of them land up showing bright and happy side.
We try to emphasize the beautiful points of our character ( go to any person profile and you can see there thoughts, there likes,  but what about the dislikes and bad habits they have ) , but person is not formed with only admirable qualities, there will be always an ugly side.
Lets face it we live in happy non existent world, cause when we will know the real person behind every facet this world of virtual would break down in pieces.
But believe me however relation they made between two humans; they brought a revolution in technology world. We care more how many notifications we have,  then how many bucks we have in our pockets.
Life is artificial, but still its active
World is real, hence its not enough!!!

Monday, 3 December 2012

Again same Reservation.....

Metro after so many days can be knowledgeable journey altogether. Standing in ladies compartment; I saw a girl having a friendly tiff with her accompanied friends, "Ohhh so you Brahman's, brought this caste system in India, you are the cause of this SC/ST quota system Now"

Ohh My God!!! Isn't it so true. When we started this differentiation to make our-self superior class in the social system, and we enjoyed our dominance over a decade and more. We created such classification not on Men's deed (known as "karmA") but on one's caste.

When this hierarchy gave us importance, we relished every bit of it but when it became a weak point for us, we criticized it. Isn't it like Nature's law, we cherished our supremacy now its their chance.
We say its partial when less deserving candidate gets the benefit, but that's what we preached in past, when son of king was honored being king successor, without the real test of courage.

We never thought of abolishing this caste system but criticized the reservation part, and secretly wished being a part of same. Why cant lets eradicate the root cause of it, rather then simply blaming one of us!!!

The Day we will understand that man is formed by own his actions, all these categorization will lose its meaning.

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